The yarn tensions values from all yarns are continuously updated and displayed on a screen. Tension values outside the warning level will be indicated both on the sensor’s LEDs and on the screen. It is possible to expand a sector of the display to have a detailed view including the position ID and the cN value for the yarns in this sector.
Eltex EyETM
Tension monitoring for multiple yarn applications.
Eltex EyETM greatly helps increase the quality of warp beams. The result is fewer problems, not only when warping, but also in the next step when weaving or tufting.
The system monitors the yarn tension on all positions in real-time. A minimum and maximum allowable tension value can be set. If any yarn’s tension is outside these values the operator can be warned or the machine can be stopped. The system can also be set to stop if a yarn’s tension value has exceeded the warning level for a pre-set amount of time.
Available with 8, 10 or 12 eyelets.
Please contact Eltex at to receive the EyETM manual.
Eltex EyETM – Yarn Tension Monitoring System
EyETM Features:
• Tension range 0 to 300 cN
• One system can have up to 96 multi position tension sensors. Using 12-position
sensors, a maximum of 1152 yarns can be monitored. The tension sensor is available with 12 positions.
• Accuracy: ± 5 cN
• Guide eyelets 6 mm diameter, of quick thread type.
• Distance between yarn positions in the sensor is 16 mm. When mounted side-by-side the distance between two nearby positions is 25 mm.
• The sensors detect changes in yarn tension quickly. How quickly the system should react to the change is adjustable.
• Both warning and stop limits are set in the Operator Terminal. Settings are valid for all
sensors in the system. Individual limits can also be set for specific groups.
• Each position has its own LED on the sensor for individual indication of tension values outside the set warning or stop limits.
• The sensor elements are mechanically protected against over tension.
• Zero tension adjustment can be made individually on each sensor or on all sensors at the same time with a command via the Operator Terminal.
EyETM Advantages:
• All events are logged in real time and can be used for statistics and diagnostics.
• Networkable to a central database.
• Automatic addressing of all the system parts.
• Easy to change system configuration.
• Fast learning of positions in use.
• Simple cables with modular connectors.
• Robust sensors in metal housings.
• Sensor parameters can be set for different groups of yarns.
• Ethernet, CAN Bus, or Modbus (available for OEM interface).
• Easy mounting of sensors.