Carpet tufting
EYE for tufting uses the Compact yarn sensors. These robust sensors are constructed in metal housings and can easily be mounted and connected with modular connectors. Up to 96 sensors can be connected to the Master control unit, and with a slave unit 96 more sensors can be connected. Because of this, the EYE Compact system can meet most machine configurations.
In the Operator terminal different sensor parameters can be set for groups of yarns with automatic addressing of all the system parts. All events are logged in real time which can be useful for statistics and diagnostics. This information can then be distributed to a central database through the ethernet connection on the Master control unit.
EYE Compact
The EYE Compact can be used down to 1/10 inch gauges. We recommend not using the EYE Compact with gauges above 5/8 inches but this also depends on the machine and must be evaluated from case to case. For further information about different gauges see the EYE Compact Brackets guide below.
EYE Compact II
EYE Compact II is the successor of the EYE Compact and shares the same proven technique, but in a minuaturized format. With a much smaller size comes the possibility to mount it on modern graphics driven machines where space is often more limited. This makes it impossible for the regular EYE Compact to be mounted and the EYE Compact II must be used instead. The EYE Compact II can be used down to 1/10 inch gauges. We recommend not using the EYE Compact with gauges above 5/8 inches but this also depends on the machine and must be evaluated from case to case.
Advantages EYE Compact
- 6,5 mm eyelet diameter
- 100% of Tufting Yarn Breaks / End Outs detected
- Can be used for 1/10 to 5/8 inch gauges
- Faulty yarn is specifically identified, resulting in more up-time
- The sensors are normally fitted between the feeding rolls and the needles
Advantages EYE Compact II
- 4 mm eyelet diameter
- 100% of Tufting Yarn Breaks / End Outs detected.
- Can be used for 1/10 to 5/8 inch gauges
- Faulty yarn is specifically identified, resulting in more up-time
- The sensors are normally fitted between the puller rollers and the needles
- 1/3 in size compared to the EYE Compact sensor
Please contact Eltex at to receive the EYE Tufting manual.
Please contact Eltex at to receive the EYE Tufting User’s Guide.
Advantages, EYE Compact systems
• 100% of tufted yarns break and end-outs detected when yarn falls out of the needle
• Faulty yarn is specificly identified, resulting in more up-time
• Less or no mending time where some carpets are not even possible to mend
• Allows the operator to work on several machines simultaneously
• Detects if the yarn jump from one needle to another which is not easy to see manually
• Higher quality due to shortfalls in the carpet with increased efficiency as a result
• More production due to very fast reaction time
• All events are logged in real time and can be used for statistics and diagnostics
• Networkable to a central database
• Fast learning of positions in use (no ON/OFF switches on the sensors)
• Simple cables with modular connectors
• Robust sensors in metal housings
• Sensor parameters can be set for different groups of yarns
• Ethernet, CAN Bus, or Modbus (available for OEM interface)
• Easy mounting of sensors
• Automatic addressing of all the system parts
• Easy to change system configuration